Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Happy Hallowe'en!

Boo! Are you scared yet? What? Hallowe'en over? No one cares? Tell that to the Simpsons and there Treehouse of Horror in November!

I like Hallowe'en a little more than is socially acceptable. I blame it on my family, we have a tradition of going a little bit overboard on holidays, any excuse for a party! But I digress, I'm here to show you the trappings of my nerd-tastic Hallowe'en!


Since I live in a smaller apartment than most i have had to cut back on the number of Jack-o-lanterns I carve, so It's important to choose well. My plan recently has been one old favorite, one slightly scary, and one show piece.

Old favorite:

Ever since I saw this on "The Screen Savers" a million years ago, I have always carved a Tuxkin.

Slightly Scary:

This Art Nouveau inspired owl is as swanky as it is spooky!


Okay, so it's not much unlit, but I love my House-o-Lantren! He reminds me that it's never Lupus.

Enough with the seasonal squash, it's time for costumes! This year I was your hero and mine, Spiderpig!
Sorry for the wrinkles, it comes from rock and rolling all night a partying everyday. This along with a pink foam nose and pig ears compleated the look. I know your all jelous of the Hamtaro bedspread, but you can't have it, sorry.

Any way, I'm all ready excited for next year! Happy Hallowe'en everyone!

1 comment:

jeff and deb said...

Hey Maria

What happened to Willy? I still keep an eye on you guys, cheers

Jeff Norgren